How To Monetize a Forum Website

Monetize Your Forum
Forum is one of the popular website where people go to either chart or hang out. Building a functioning Forum is one the easiest way to make cool money online and here on this guide, I shall be putting you through on how to monetize a forum.

As I said before, forum is a great way to start a discussion and getting answer to your question. People normally joined forum to get answer related to the niche of the forum. People can start a healthy discussion on the forum which will help them to learn new thing.
Forum has a hug traffic from search engine because people search for answers and forum do exactly that. So considering the above factor, forum can be a great tool to make money online.
The problem of a forum is that they are not easy to monetize do to it layout, visitors focus only on answer etc. visitor do not focus much on the advertisement that is place on a forum thus it is not very easy to earn money from a forum base website and below I have details the best approach to forum monetization you should use on your forum and they are:
1.CPM Advertisement: Cost Per Impression (CPM) ADS can be a great option for making money forum website. CPM Ads pays for every ads show usually calculated as 1CPM=1000 ad Views, for example, any forum that get 5000 visitor per day and 1000 page views per day the CPM ad they get is 10 CPM and if ad network pay $3 per CPM then 10*2=$20 earnings per day. The problem with CPM ads is that very few networks accept forum website to their network.
2.Affiliate Product Promotion :You can make money on a forum website by promoting affiliate product. A good affiliate program where you can register is Amazon affiliate program which is one the best affiliate program in the world, you can as well try clickBank Affiliate program. What you do here is to register in any of the above affiliate program, get your affiliate banner that is  if is Amazon or get your affiliate link that is if you register with clickBank and place the banner on a strategic place on the side bar of your forum. You can write a product review that point to your clickBank and place your link at the end of the post.
3.Running Paid Subscription Forum: If you are writing a unique content on your forum, you can decide to password protect some section of article on your forum and charge your member cert5ain fee to access the password protected content. Let say you add a password section on your forum where you collect $20 per person to access the content on that section and may be at the end of the month you get 20 people that sign up for your paid option on your forum that should be 20$*20=$400 I think this is a cool money.
4.Sponsored thread: Most forum owner does not allow self promoting on the forum, but with sponsored threads advertiser can post about their product and services. Forum owner can sell sponsored thread at a fixed amount let say $15 per thread. This is a good monetization strategy for a forum base website because sponsored thread does not look like ads, and you can make good money out of it without annoying your visitor.
5.Selling Your Product and Services: You can decide to sell your own product and services directly to your forum audience, you can sell something like ebook, Videos, Coaching section etc to your audience and make good money by doing so.
6.Ad Space: You can create a fixed ad Space section in your forum where somebody can book to place advert on your forum and pay you some amount of money. This ad space can be specific let say 1 month ad placement on the side bar goes for $30 and 2 month placement goes for $50. If at the end of the month, you get like 5 advertisers who want to place ad on your forum that will be cool money.
Follow the above tips to effectively monetize your forum website. Happy December!

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