The Automate Guide on How to Start a Technology Niche Blog and Make Money Out Of It

Make Money by Offering Technology Advise

Technology niche is one of the Hot Niche in the Modern Era of Blogging it very simple easy to start. Some popular website like is making million to Billions of Dollar just by cashing her niche in the Technology world; the Technology is not too hard to start provided you can give

  1. Updates and highlight on newly launched devices
  2. How To Tips on popular Devices and/ websites like windows, Facebook, Android Phones, Apple iOS
  3. Tricks and solution on popular devices
Basic Requirement in starting a Technology Niche Blog
For you start and dominate the Technology Niche Market, you must first of all have good knowledge about how technology work and other modern devices and gadget operate to sum extend. Popular among the thing you need are;
1.Knowledge of Technology
For you to do well in Technology Niche and really make money on the niche demands that you have a basic understanding and concept of how technology work.  You need to know how to operate both small and advance mobile phones, Computer, Tech Gadget etc. The reason for these is that you need to know more about the thing you will sharing to your audience beforehand because, there may be a time when they may want to ask you some question on the niche and if you are not grounded on tech stuff, how do you intend to answer there question?. To conclude this part, you need to get and research more info on tech related stuff and get yourself use to latest technology Trend that way, you will stand a better chance of dominating the Technology niche.
2.Ability to Write How to Guide as relate to Technology
You need to be someone who has the passion and ability to write a concise and good article with good formatting tag which will help to convey a message to your audience. You need to develop the writing habits because what keeps a blog going and interactive is the fresh content the blogger create for his visitor. Remember that you should not just write any jargon or copy and paste article from other blog. You need to write article that is so unique and have a good way of making your visitor achieve his or her aim of visiting your website for the first time.
3.Computer and Internet Connection
For you to keep producing content for your technology blog and for you to even create the actually blog need you to be connected and have access to a computer system. There are basically two ways you can do these, you can buy yourself a brand new system with a browsing stick or you can go to a cybercafe. Any of the option will do very provided you program and draft out your blogging road map very well.
4.Blogging Platform
For you to take your idea to the world in need of your information, you need to come up with a platform called it a virtual office where you will base your blog upon and share your ideas on tech  related topics, the simple way of doing it is to create your blog using a blogging platform. We have two most popular and used blogging platform which are blogger from Google and Wordpress self hosted blogging platform form wordpress,org. You can use any of them to create your blog, the only thing I advise you is to go for a custom domain name as using a sub domain name will make you to look unp0roffesional and monetizing your blog may be limited. We have develop two guides that can help you create a beautify blog within 30 minutes using either blogger or wordpress, you can visit our product page HERE to pick any of the guide.
5.Means of Getting Traffic to your Website
Getting Traffic to your website is very essential to creating a niche site and we have covered good topic on how you can get quality tones of traffic to your blog. You can read it by visiting our traffic section here.
6.Monetization of Strategy
The Final Point is how best to make money after setting up our Technology Niche site. There are several means you can make money once you have finish setting up your Technology Niche Site as follows
  1. Offer Services
  2. Use Google Adsense
  3. Register in some Good Affiliate Program like Amazon or ClickBank
  4. Create a Guide
  5. Render Coaching Section on your Blog
  6. Review some Product
The above are the best way to make money on a technology niche site. You can still find more means of monetizing a Niche site, but I think the above means are the top ways you can quickly make some cool money in a Technology Niche site.
The above are the simple step you can take to launch your Technology niche site and make money out of it. If you have more question of you don’t understand any of the steps I stated above you can contact me for a guideline, in the main time start your Tech niche site today and start making some cool money.

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