The Ultimate Guide in Choosing a Perfect Business Name

A Business name is a very vital aspect that makes or mines any business start up. It very important that you follow a set of guidelines and rules while settling a business name.
A Business name is also what accompany the business for as long as it live and even when it dies.
Important of Choosing a business Name
  1. Your business name can make your business very popular in a short period of time or doom it a very short period of time
  2. Your business name is what project the right image and right identity of what you are up to and every success of your business  lays greatly on your business name
  3. Your Business Name speaks for your business and it makes it know in the public with it unique identity voice out reach
  4. All things and all legal decision like incorporating your Business will be base on your business name
Unfortunately, even as crucial as a business name are, many business choose a wrong name for their business and that is why through these guide, I share be sharing with you proven tips that will help you decide the name of your business.
1.Keep IT Short
The first thing that will come to your mind when you want to choose a business name is to keep it very short. Don’t choose a long range of latter for your business name. Think of something that will look creative and the character must falls within the range of 2 to 3 ,let it not be more than that. Example of a good business name you should look at are Fedex, Google, Yahoo, LG, Jumia, Amazon, you can see that all this name all have two character on it and they are memorable, easy to pronounces and very sharp in the ear.
2.Make It Sharp 
While Choosing a business name, you need to make it sharp and use a strange world that have never being use before, don’t use world that are too dull like success, driven world, use a combination of character that falls under Z, Y, G, K, V etc  to form your business name.
3.Add Some Creativity in Your Business Name
In deciding and choosing a business name, you need to add some flavor of creativity in the name and not use a name that will be so general and not having atom of creating on it. Take for Example, Name a car Company “wonderful Car will not pass a good message to the public but instead calling it “wonderful” will ignite a motion good product to the public.
4.Make It Easy to Remember
One of the things, you need to consider while choosing business name is to make it easy for people to remember it. If you choose name that is too boring and very long, people may tend to forget it easily and may not be able to give a good description of your business to somebody.
5.Raise Curiosity in the Mind of People
One of the good attribute and thing a good business name does to the public is that it raises curiosity In the mind of the public, you need to find a name that will got people thing and digging deep to find out what your business is all about. You need to raise that curiosity and make it look outstanding. A good example of a name that raise curiosity are Amazon, Oracle, Google, Jumia, Konga and the like. You need to find a way to name your business and add aroma of curiosity on the name that will got people thinking about it. It has being proven beyond every point of research that majority of people that buy stuff from a business establishment buy do to the name it bears not even the quality of the product.
Leave out the Punctuation: Many Business today are know by it punctuation. You need to find out a good punctuation for your business name a good examples are; MTN, GLO, AOL, DHL, etc.
To choose a business name is very critical and vital aspect of any business and you need to make sure you don’t make mistake along the line. Take a Deep breath in deciding and choosing the right name for your business, think about the services and product you will be offering to the public, think about the far future of your business and you will make a better choice of choosing a perfect name that will match your business.

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