Challenges of Starting Up as an Entrepreneur

Starting up as an entrepreneur is one of the greatest decision you will ever take in life. You should know that entrepreneurs are people that rules these world and it is only when you start to see yourself as an entrepreneur that you can actually discover your through self worth.

Anything we do in this world has its own problems attach to it. This problem is what most of us we first of all see first before we attempt doing something different with our life, we forget to see the gain inherent attach to what we are doing, if you are an entrepreneur or intending be entrepreneur reading these article, I want you to concentrate into making your entrepreneurship dream a reality and before you know it, you will be at the top of your dream.
Popular Business entrepreneur man in the world today like Bill Gate, Stave Job, Larry Allison and so many notable personality in the world today pass through a lot of difficulties and challenges before they can be where they are today so you can see that there will be no fire without a smoke meaning that you will definitely encounter a problem on your way to becoming the next celebrated entrepreneur in the world. My duty in this article is to guide you to overcome those odd days in your entrepreneurship struggle. 

Below, I have listed most of life challenges of an entrepreneur and a way out for you to follow;

1#. Discouragement from People Around you
As an entrepreneur who really wants to survive and influence this world positively, you will receive a lot of discouragement from people like your friends, your love once, and strangers.
 Mack Zuck the Facebook founder receive a lot of discouragement when he is starting up , he was even arrested and try before a law court but what keep Mark going is because he is determine to be a great person in life, so he turns his challenges into a lesson. As an entrepreneur or intending to be entrepreneur, you need to see each discouragement that comes your way as a lesson and move ahead. 

2#. Lack of Start up Fund
Money is the greatest problem that makes so money people who want to take their entrepreneurship life to the next life to be impossible. You need to know that it is not easy to have all that you need to start up. Don’t look at the deficiency of Capital when you want to do something very great in your life as an entrepreneur.
 Michael Dell is a guy that makes it in life which is one of the notable self made Billionaires today that deals in computer production brand called Dell Computer, but do you know that Michael stared his life entrepreneurship journey in the a garage?, Mike did not mind his background before he stared lone of the big and notable company in the world, he started small hoping that one day he will be great in life and today we are all celebrating his achievement all over the world. What you need to do here is to start with that small capital that you have at hand and take it the next level of success. Don’t wait to have millions or Billions in your bank account before you will start doing something. 

3#: Looking At Your Poor Background
This is also another big challenges that most great entrepreneurs face in their early start up time, they look and consider their background or the family they are coming from, you need to know that one wise man Bill Gate always said that if your are poor, it is not your fault, but if you die poor it is absolutely your fault.
Bill Gate was right when he made that statement , you need to believe in yourself that you will be great and work towards achieving that greatness with vigor, don’t look at your poor background, you should not give up your life aspiration and dream because of the poor background family you are coming from.
Most celebrated top richest man and woman of all time all came from poor background and they all made it to the top because they are determine to become somebody unique in life. 

4#: Lack of Encouragement
This is also another very big problem and challenges some start up entrepreneurs face on their early stage of their journey. You don’t have any person to tell you to move or forge ahead, I want you to know that I was once like you, I don’t have any person to motivate me to keep trying, but when I found out that I don’t have any one around that can give me the needed motivation and encouragement, I started looking for an alternative motivators that is when I discover so many things like I came to discover and read  a lot of good Motivational books like why Ask Why, Imitation is Limitation and even came to discover my best friend Google which have helped me in figuring out most of my life pressing question, through Google, I have discover a lot of great internet Entrepreneurs like Pat Flyn, John Chow, Tyler Cruz, Eustine Murkin and so many great man and woman that have influence the world of internet positively.
The summery of what I am saying here is that you need to read motivational books, you can buy some of them at a book shop near your resident, you need to research daily on Google, you need to read blogs like our own or any other blogs that will serve as a success of motivation to you, you need to go to a life seminar where you will learn from other great people. Do these often and you will never look again for a motivator because you already have so many around you. 

#5. Distraction
Distraction is another great challenges that you may likely face in your entrepreneurship life journey. Don’t let anything distract you, don’t let your friends distract you, you can be the next Good Governor in your country, you can be the Next good President, you can be the Next Bill Gate of your Generation, You can be the Next most successful and celebrated inventor in your country. Don’t let your environment distract you, keep focus, determine to take your entrepreneur dream to the next level and before you know it, you will be there. 

Put to work all the above 5 mention challenges and their solution to work and you will definitely take your entrepreneurship life journey to the next level of success.  Thanks for visiting us today and reading from our blog post. You are one in a Million.

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