How To Create A Blog Post That Will Attract A Global Audience

Creating a blog post that will drive targeted traffics to ones blog is one of the dreams of every blogger in the world. It is no longer new that traffic is the source living of every blog or website on the internet and without you having quality traffic to your website or blog, your blog or website may not stand the test of time and one ingredient of driving consistent traffic to ones blog is through creating and chewing out wonderful content on a regular basis.

Basis of traffic Generation
Some expert and web masters claims that there is a particular tools and rules you must follow for you to drive the needed traffic to your blog but when you take a closer look at some the articles and how to guide about driving traffic to ones blog, you will quickly find out that they all centre on creating quality content on your blog. With your blog content, you can out smash other lesser blog on your niche and Search engine will fall in love with your blog thereby ranking your blog high on Search Engine Result Page (SERP). Creating content can be very difficult especially if you are not use to writing articles or blog post, but briefly on this blog guide, I shall be working you through and giving you tips on how you can create a quality and targeted blog content that will possession your blog as an authority in any Niche you are blogging on.
Below are the few steps you can take in creating a quality content your blog that will make it rank over other blog on your niche. 
1.Know Your Audience
The first steps toward creating an article that will stand out from the crowd is for you to know your audience, you need to find out from your audience what they really want from you. You can use different web metrics like email opt-in, comments from previous post, numbers of page view on a particular post etc to determine what your audience really want from you. Once you have figure out what your audience want, you can go back and create a quality and unique article that will satisfy your audience need doing this alone will lead to your article going viral on the web because more visitors will like to read from you and even search engine will be indexing your post faster than you can ever imagine because your post help to solve people problems.
2.Write to Solve Peoples Problems
Another step taken to ensure that your blog post hit the Google 1st page rank is to write to solve people’s problems. You need to create n article that will help your visitors and blog audience to solve a problem, look around your blog niche, is there any pressing need you discover that will help your blog reader to stay glue on your blog?, write about that and you will soon discover how your blog post will increase on both search engine result page and traffic to your website.
3.Create a Series of Post
If you discover that the article you are writing is too lengthy, you can decide to turn the article into series and connect each series together. Some people like to read lengthy articles while others like to just glance through; you need to put all this in mind while creating your articles. If you refuse to acknowledge the above principles of writing a blog post, you may discover that your blog post may not go viral as you think. In summarizing this point, try as much as possible to pass to your audience the needed massage on your article, don’t beat around the bush.
3.Making too many References will kill your Blog Post
Some bloggers is fun of making a lot of reference on their blog post. You should know that too much of everything is bad that is while you must be cautions in making references or hipper liking other related articles on your blog post. What making too many reference on a  blog post does to your blog readers and guest visitor is that it make them to click and go to the references on your website or other web page you refer them to thereby causing you to lose that visitor, this is one of the main reason for high bounce rate on web.
I believe you learn a new thing toady?, put the above point into consideration while writing your next blog post and you will see how your blog post will go viral and get more exposure on both in traffic volume and search engine alike. Keep a date with us as we bring you more wonderful tutorial on this blog.

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